Have you ever wondered about the quality of water on Lake Conroe or Lake Woodlands? Thankfully, SJRA’s Lake Conroe Division works hard to find that out. The Lake Conroe Division takes samples from Lake Conroe every month. In The Woodlands, observations to the water quality are made monthly, and samples are taken quarterly.
In Lake Conroe, SJRA tests several different components such as, alkalinity, chloride, E. Coli, nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, sulfate, total phosphorus, total suspended solids, chlorophyll, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, temperature, and pH. In Lake Woodlands, the samples taken are ammonia, biological oxygen demand, chloride, chemical oxygen demand, E. Coli, nitrate, nitrite, sulfate, total phosphorus, total suspended solids, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, pH, temperature, and chlorophyll. In both lakes, visual observations are also conducted which include secchi disk, water color, water smell, water surface, and cloud percentage.
In Lake Conroe, the samples are taken from ten different locations and in The Woodlands, they are taken from nine different locations including the lake and three creeks. The samples taken are according to the Clean Rivers Program. These samples are then used for lab analysis to make sure the TCEQ water quality standards are met. For information on the testing locations in Lake Conroe, see the map below. To learn more about SJRA’s work with water quality, please visit https://www.sjra.net/grp/water-quality/.