River authorities in Texas have historically not undertaken a large role in regional flood management. This is primarily due to the fact that only a few river authorities in Texas have taxing authority and/or a dedicated funding source to support such activities. Despite the fact that San Jacinto River Authority (SJRA) does not receive funding from the state legislature or from local taxes, in March 2018, Texas Governor Greg Abbott challenged SJRA to play a larger role in identifying regional solutions to flooding issues in the upper San Jacinto River Basin.

The Board of Directors and leadership of SJRA decided to embrace this challenge and take action, assuming a flood management leadership role in the region by launching a new Flood Management Division in 2018. Since the creation of the new division, SJRA has become very active in coordinating with public entities and other stakeholders in the region in working towards providing region-wide flood mitigation solutions by identifying projects, studies, etc. that will benefit the region, as well as funding sources for those efforts.

Since its inception, the Flood Management Division has invested its time in activities that involve, but are not necessarily limited to: developing short-term and long-term regional flood management strategies within the San Jacinto River Basin; building partnerships with federal, state, and local government entities; identifying funding sources and opportunities; and coordinating, collaborating, and partnering with other entities throughout the basin on structural and non-structural flood mitigation strategies and projects.  With no dedicated funding for flood mitigation efforts, the Division has taken on the role of a flood project facilitator by securing and managing project funding and partners and providing project management and other in-house/in-kind services.

The Division has also taken an active role in recent State Flood Planning efforts via participation in the San Jacinto (Region 6) Regional Flood Planning Group (RFPG).  The Division Manager serves as the River Authorities representative for the region, as well as a member of the group’s Executive Committee.  The RFPG recently developed the first Regional Flood Plan for the San Jacinto region, which will ultimately be incorporated in the first State Flood Plan.

The Division has received and utilized grant funding via the Flood Infrastructure Fund through the Texas Water Development Board for studies and projects which may lead to flood reduction benefits in the future.  The Division will continue to pursue flood mitigation opportunities and partnerships throughout the region, with the ultimate goal of serving and improving the lives of the public.

By: Briana Gallagher, Water Resources Project Manager

Featured in Dock Line Magazine