Dedicated to excellence in developing and maintaining a superior water and wastewater system for the community we serve.
Located in southern Montgomery County, the Woodlands Division provides wholesale water supply and wastewater treatment services to the 100,000-plus population of The Woodlands through the financing, construction, operation, and maintenance of three regional wastewater treatment plants, a wastewater conveyance system with numerous lift stations, five water plants, 38 water wells, several elevated and ground storage tanks, and miles of wastewater collection and potable water distribution lines. Since 1975, the Woodlands Division has served as the wholesaler to the 10 municipal utility districts that provide retail services within The Woodlands.
EPA’s 2021 Revised Lead and Copper Rule lists requirements that public water systems must comply with starting on October 16, 2024, as outlined in the Lead and Copper Improvement (LCRI) proposal. These requirements include the initial service line inventory, notification to persons served of known or potential lead service line, Tier 1 public notification of a lead action level exceedance, and associated reporting requirements. The initial service line inventory includes four required materials to be identified and tracked: 1)Lead, 2) Galvanized requiring replacement, 3) Non-Lead, and 4) Lead status unknown service lines.
SJRA Woodlands and GRP Divisions have conducted a review for potential lead and galvanized service lines with its systems, using construction and plumbing codes, existing records, water system records, distribution systems maps, historical records and knowledge, master plans, and visual inspections and have concluded that there are no lead or galvanized service lines requiring replacement.