The San Jacinto River Authority (SJRA) was created in 1937 to develop, conserve, and protect the water resources of the San Jacinto River Basin. Over time SJRA has developed operating divisions to serve the needs of its diverse customer base. SJRA does not have taxing authority nor does it receive funds from the Texas Legislature. SJRA is funded solely through contracts with its wholesale customers to provide goods and services.
SJRA supplies its municipal, commercial, and industrial customers in Montgomery County and eastern Harris County with raw, untreated, water from Lake Conroe, Lake Houston, and the Trinity River. Long-term water sale contracts account for the vast majority of raw water revenues. The rates, provisions, and options are reviewed and approved by both SJRA and its Raw Water customers.
The Authority’s Groundwater Reduction Plan (GRP) Division was created in 2009 to treat surface water from Lake Conroe and deliver it throughout Montgomery County. SJRA’s GRP was originally created to comply with local groundwater (aquifer) rules. Today, the SJRA’s GRP continues to provide an alternative to groundwater in order to conserve our groundwater supplies and ensure there’s enough water to support our area’s rapid growth. The SJRA’s GRP has 149 Participants (customers) that include Municipal Utility Districts (MUDs), Investor Owned Utilities (IOUs), and municipalities. Not all customers receive treated surface water, but they joined together to share the costs of conservation and long-term planning. Our customers, in turn, provide retail water to end users. Fees collected from GRP Division Participants are used to operate and maintain the surface water treatment plant. Many Participants pass through their GRP fees directly to their retail customers.
The Authority’s Woodlands Division was created in 1975 in partnership with The Woodlands developer George Mitchell to operate and maintain wholesale water supply and wastewater treatment systems for The Woodlands. Today the area is made up of eleven Municipal Utility Districts (MUDs) in southern Montgomery County. The SJRA Woodlands Division works in coordination with the MUDs, ten of which are operated by the Woodlands Water Agency (WWA). Fees collected from Woodlands Division wholesale customers are used to operate and maintain over 126 miles of water supply line, more than 70 miles of sewer line, three wastewater treatment facilities, nine water storage tanks, and six elevated water towers.

Lake Conroe Rate Schedule:
The SJRA Lake Conroe Division has managed the resources of the Lake Conroe dam and water supply reservoir on behalf of the City of Houston since its completion in 1973. The Lake Conroe Division is funded through a joint venture between the Authority and the City of Houston through a 1/3 (SJRA): 2/3 (Houston) partnership.
Lakeside residents, businesses, marinas, and on-water businesses need permits to comply with state safety and construction standards as well as Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) on-site sewage facility regulations (OSSFs). Contact the SJRA Lake Conroe Division with questions regarding permitting and compliance at (936) 588-1111.