Who Oversees Flood Control for MoCo? Part 2: Historical Planning Efforts

2021-11-10T12:43:12-06:00November 19, 2019|

In Part One of “Who Oversees Flood Control for Montgomery County?” we noted that unfortunately there’s not a single entity that is in charge of flood planning and flood management for all of Montgomery County.  Just [...]

Who Oversees Flood Control for Montgomery County?

2021-11-10T12:44:01-06:00November 5, 2019|

Concerns about lack of flood mitigation in Montgomery County are in the news again. “Montgomery County commissioners respond to accusation of lack of flood mitigation efforts” The Courier, October 25, 2019 “Montgomery County commissioners respond to [...]

Responsible Groundwater Management in Montgomery County Matters

2021-11-10T18:26:02-06:00September 16, 2019|

By:  Heather Ramsey Cook, Director of Communications and Public Affairs. The problems associated with pumping too much water too quickly from the aquifers in our region are well-documented.  For over 50 years, utilities in Harris and [...]

Seasonal Lake Lowering and other Short-Term Initiatives

2021-11-10T18:27:11-06:00September 16, 2019|

By: Briana Gallagher, Flood Management Division. It’s almost been two years since Hurricane Harvey hit Texas. It was not only the worst storm experienced by Texans, but the worst storm recorded in U.S. history.  Hurricane Harvey [...]

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