To be notified of business opportunities with SJRA, please register as a vendor. Registered vendors will receive an automatic notification of BIDS, Request for Proposals (RFPs), and Request for Qualifications (RFQs) as they are issued.
SJRA has established the following levels of purchasing authority:
Purchases of goods (and services that do not require insurance) up to $5,000
Purchases under $5,000.00 do not require a purchase order issued from Purchasing and can be purchased with the SJRA Procurement Card.
Purchases over $5,000 up to $75,000
Such purchasing of goods and services require a purchase order number issued by the Purchasing Department. A minimum of three (3) written quotes on standard specifications must be solicited when practical.
Purchases of $75,000.00 and Over
Chapter 49 of the Texas Water Code requires competitive bidding or proposals for all SJRA construction contracts exceeding $75,000. The law prohibits any SJRA employee from making “separate, sequential, or component” purchases to avoid the competitive bidding requirements. These purchases require legal advertising and formal sealed bids or proposals to be received at a public bid opening.
Competitive Proposals
A process similar to the sealed competitive bid procedure, the Request for Proposal (RFP) may be used for the procurement of goods and services that are highly specialized and technical in nature or for the purchase of insurance.