
Recent Wastewater Strategic Planning efforts identified an opportunity to abandon certain lift stations and force mains that are used to pump flow through SJRA’s wastewater conveyance system. Operating, maintaining, and rehabilitation of lift stations can be a costly expense; eliminating lift stations can reduce operation and maintenance costs as well as reduce sources of noise and odor in the overall system. An opportunity was identified to abandon SJRA’s Lift Station No. 5 and replace its force main with a large diameter gravity main. This would also provide the opportunity to abandon other smaller lift stations north of SJRA’s Wastewater Treatment Facility No. 1 (WWTF No. 1) and replace these force mains with gravity lines adjoining the new large diameter gravity main.

The initial phase of the project is a planning-level Route Study to identify and evaluate potential routes to determine where a gravity main can be constructed, identify obstructions, land requirements, and methods to eliminate lift stations, and ensure uninterrupted flow to WWTF No. 1. If the Route Study shows a feasible route, the project will proceed to the design phase.


Project Information

Planning Consultant: Civitas Engineering Group, Inc.

Design Consultant:  TBD

Construction Contractor:  TBD

Villages:  Panther Creek and Grogan’s Mill

MUD:  1, 6, and 7

WW Conveyance Optimization Route Study

Status & Schedule

Project Start
Planning (Route Study): November 2023
Design: TBD
Construction:  TBD

Anticipated Completion
Planning (Route Study):  Fall 2024
Design:  TBD
Construction:  TBD

Dates are subject to change.