
This project involves the construction of Wastewater Treatment Facility No. 2 (WWTF No. 2) tertiary filter improvements to replace two of the existing tertiary sand filters with two new cloth media filters utilizing the existing filter structures. Two AquaDiamond filters with the same dimensions as the existing filters will be installed along with surface spray bar and swivel pipe, and framed opening in the UV building. Construction sequencing will be evaluated with the contractor.

WWTF No 2 Tertiary Filter Improvements

Project Information

Contractor: TBD

Village:  Cochran’s Crossing

MUD:  67

WWTF No 2 Tertiary Filter Improvements

Status & Schedule

Project Design: September 2020-Spring 2025

Anticipated Project Construction: Winter 2025-Winter 2026

Dates are subject to change.


The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) issued a Categorical Exclusion from a full environmental review on July 24, 2024, for the San Jacinto River Authority, The Woodlands Wastewater System Improvements CID 05: WWTP No. 2 Tertiary Filters Improvements, Montgomery County, Texas, Clean Water State Revolving Fund, TWDB Project No. 73764. The full text and maps for the Categorical Exclusion are available on the TWDB website at Comments regarding this determination may be submitted to the Director of Regional Water Project Development, Texas Water Development Board, P.O. Box 13231, Austin, Texas 78711‐3231 or via email at